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Gansai Tambi Watercolor 48 Color Set

These traditional Japanese solid watercolor sets are great for both professional artists and crafters. Each set features a collection of watercolor pans that are ideal for Etegami, sketches, illustrations, Sumi-e and more. The 48-Color Set includes white, black, cadmium scarlet, red, rose madder deep, yellow, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, sap green, viridian, ultramarine, indigo, rose madder, cobalt violet, sap green light, Hooker's green, ultramarine pale, turquoise blue, cadmium yellow, raw umber deep, malachite, olive green, turquoise green deep, sap green deep, cadmium red, cadmium orange, carmine, purple, imperial violet, aureolin, forest green, cerulean blue, Prussian blue, gold, bluish gold, white gold, natural beige, rose beige, lilac, cherry blossom pink, greenish yellow, lime green, horizon blue, cobalt blue, blue gray deep, Indian red, maroon and gray.

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